3DWorld (131/293)

From:Hans-Joerg Frieden
Date:21 Apr 2000 at 11:40:24
Subject:Re: Heretic II Demo Available

On Fri, 21 Apr 2000, DJNick wrote:

> Ohh Uhh! You lucky ppl! :)) I still haven't seen it :)

I'm quite sure it will make it to some cover CD's... I would have
liked to make some kind of "patch" archive so that you could use the
PC demo with amiga binaries, but this does not work out - the latest
PC demo is 1.0, and the Amiga version is 1.06, and the files are

> > I usually play at the 512xsomething resolution, and get typical frame
> > rates of 20 FPS on a 233 604e...
> Software of Hardware rendering?

Hardware. Why use Software when HW rendering looks so much better :)

Still, keep in mind that FPS numbers are meaningless. If the game runs
smoothly, then the frame rate is unimportant. The biggest thing is
that the frame rate remains constant, everything else will look jerky,
even if its between 30 and 50 FPS...

Regards, Hans-Joerg.

Hans-Joerg Frieden | "Just a few miles west of Crazy,
HansJoergF@hyperion-software.de | a stone's throw away from Tear,
http://www.hyperion-software.de/ | Oh so close to Normal,
Private: hfrieden@uni-trier.de | But I can't get there from here."
(including Warp3D, ADescent, Abuse) | Lisa Brokop, "West of Crazy"